Pregnancy & Postpartum

According to Postpartum Support International, as many as 1 in 7 mothers (and 1 in 10 fathers) suffer from postpartum depression. Many individuals may also experience other mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy and postpartum such as anxiety, panic, and OCD.

How do you know if you’re experiencing “normal” worries and mood changes during pregnancy vs when it is time to seek professional support?

If you’re experiencing feelings of guilt, shame, or hopelessness; loss of interest or pleasure in things that used to bring you joy; feelings of anger, rage, or irritability; disturbances of sleep or appetite; lack of interest in or difficulty bonding with the baby; racing thoughts and worries; or unwanted or scary thoughts, please reach out for support - you are not alone, and you can feel better.

Postpartum Support International Discussion Tool - download this free resource which includes a list of common symptoms and risk factors.


How I help.

My mission is to help mothers, caregivers, and families feel empowered during this chapter in life. Big changes can come with big emotions, both exciting and overwhelming.

I believe we were never meant to navigate these major life changes alone.

I will sit with you, listen with curiosity and compassion, and understand how you are being impacted by the symptoms you’re experiencing. I will gently guide you in exploring the many possible root causes of these symptoms, and what next steps you can take to help yourself feel better. Whether you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, heightened stress, overwhelm, decreased self-esteem, or just don’t feel like yourself, I’m here to walk through this with you.